Synergy at the Rancho Cordova Holiday Art Gallery

Step by step, we're growing the arts community in the decade-old city of Rancho Cordova, California.  One of the many art events on our calendars this year was our second annual Holiday Art Gallery, where a select group of 11 local artists showed - and sold - their work in a retail space at the Lowe's shopping center on Zinfandel.

The synergy between performing artists and visual artists was awesome!  This year individual musicians and the Rancho Cordova Civic Light Orchestra and Rancho Cordova Band volunteered a bunch of fine ensembles to play for our guests.  We had (in no particular order) a string quartet, an oboe trio, a french horn trio, a cello trio, and a harp duo play gigs at the gallery.  What a treat!  Every group made the most beautiful music together!

One of the best parts about having events like the gallery is the cross-pollination that comes from sharing ideas and experiences with one another.  Artists spending time with other artists inspired many of us to do more, and to do it better.  Those who returned from last year were eager to participate in this exchange once again.

And this year we doubled the number of visitors to the gallery over our three 3-day weekends.  We're happy to report that many of our guests also patronized the nearby businesses, making us a magnet for bringing new people to the shopping center that provided us the space for our temporary gallery.  Thank you, Merlone-Geier property managers!

At the Cordova Community Council's Arts Council, we're always thinking of ways to promote the community of local artists.  2016 will include four juried art shows at City Hall, the 'iFest' (international festival), Brushes and Brews at American River Brewery, and the third annual Holiday Art Gallery - places for us to show our work.  The Cordova Community Council is the incubator and facilitating organization for all this, and we are truly grateful for their support and encouragement.