August & September 2017 Art Events - and a new blank art card series!

I'm working hard to finish a new series of blank art cards to have on hand starting in September -
'Local Tweets' (Backyard Birds along the American River).  I enjoy watching and hearing them all in my garden.  They are all so different, and it's been challenging and fun to try and interpret their movements and personalities. 

'Summer of Love' Art Reception
Please join us local artists for a very groovy art reception at City Hall commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 'Summer of Love'.   We'll have live music, wine, and snacks catered by Costa Vida.  You can wear your hippie clothes or come as you are. :-)

I have one watercolor piece in the show - 'Epiphany'.  This psychedelically bright show stays up through mid-October, and City Hall is open during business hours.  

When:        Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Where:      Rancho Cordova City Hall
                  2729 Prospect Park Drive
                  Rancho Cordova, California

Directions:     From Highway 50, Take Zinfandel Exit South.
                      Turn Left on White Rock Road.   Go one block.
                      Turn Left on Prospect Park Drive.
                      Turn Left into the first or second driveway.  You're there!

And Mark your Calendar for my September Events!

Thursday Art Group -  Art and Gift Sale
Saturday, September 9, 2017- 10am to 4pm
1900 Levi Strauss Court, Gold River, CA (Argonaut Village)
This is a lovely outing to the garden of an artist from my weekly painting group - and your opportunity to get 'first dibs' on unique and special art and gifts for the holidays!

5th Annual Brushes & Brews - Art Sale
Saturday, September 23rd - 2 to 6pn
American River Brewery
11151 Trade Center Drive, Ste 104. Rancho Cordova, CA
Directions: From Highway 50,  Take the Sunrise Exit South. Turn right on Trade Center Drive (just after the Staples).  It's on the right within the first block.

I'm very happy to be showing my art in the American River Brewery's Tasting Room this year!  If you haven't been before, don't miss this - it's fun, you'll see lots of paintings and sculpture, and the Brewery offers a range of great craft beers to enjoy.
Live music, food trucks, artist demonstrations, and lots of local art!

If you are in town, I'd love to see you at one or more of these events!  Thank you for your interest in and support of the Arts!